A Brunswick, Georgia jury has found:
Travis McMichael GUILTY of Malice Murder, GUILTY of four counts of Felony Murder, GUILTY of two counts of Aggravated Assault, GUILTY of one count of False Imprisonment, GUILTY of criminal intent to commit a felony!
Greg McMichael NOT GUILTY of Malice Murder, GUILTY of four counts of Felony Murder, GUILTY of two counts of Aggravated Assault, GUILTY of one count of False Imprisonment, GUILTY of criminal intent to commit a felony!
William Roddie Bryan GUILTY of three counts of Felony Murder, GUILTY of Aggravated Assault, GUILTY of criminal intent to commit a felony!
Lest we forget that the Arbery jury was almost all-white and in conservative South Georgia, a sign, I contend, that the notion of “equal justice under the law” is attainable when people simply treat others with the same respect that they would wish to be treated in ever facet of human endeavor—especially within the halls of justice!
May Ahmaud Arbery, 26, and his family, find a measure of peace this Thanksgiving!
Three men sacrificed the collective value of their lives because their collective hate blinded them to the full value of one man’s life. Now, they will have the rest of their lives to meditate upon the grievous error of their collective thinking! And sadly, the teaching of a father has resulted in his son’s wayward worldview.
Well stated Chuck!