I enjoy your writings. I giggled at “borne” more “palls.” What a wonderful gift to connect with men who served with your dad. I’m sure the connection blesses them, as well. How wonderful of him to build a basketball court downrange for the morale of his men. And as an introvert I need to break out of my shell and take more pics with friends. Because, “I don’t know.” Blessings and increase to you, my friend.

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Great read Bro. We have even more in common than Frat. My dad was a brick mason (we called it brick layer back in my day), so I grew up doing this work. Due to my love of basketball, he poured a court in our back yard. Brick work is one of the things that drove me to college. My dad also spent a small bit of time in Vietnam, before I was born. He was released early (I suspect due to my grandmother's influence), else I may not be here. I'm also an introvert (although anyone you talk to will find that characteristic inconsistent with the Me they know, lol). I always enjoy your reads. Keep at it.

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I truly appreciate you sharing this, good Brother! Many, many thanks for your words and support!

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Another interesting fact. I had FAMU and Alabama State U. as my two choices coming out of HS. However, the out of state fees quickly ruled FAMU out. But, I spent many days at the Alpha Xi house back in the 70's/80's and again in the mid-90s. Many fond memories of FAMU.

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