Jul 6Liked by Chuck Hobbs

I wasnā€™t going to watch, but when a link to the video appeared, I started watching, and felt Biden was much improved than he did at the debate, but after too short a time, he still answered questions in a manner that felt he was struggling still and I stopped watching. I am going to vote for him regardless, and will vote for a Democrat regardless, and Iā€™m more disturbed by Americans who would choose voting for tRump, or not voting, than I am with choosing to vote for a struggling 80 year old who has capable staff around him, and a much safer, competent Vice President to pick up the reins, than any other Presidential choice out there.

At the end of the day, the meaning of who we have as Presidential choices in November is even more the reflection of the too large a bloc of moneyed power going back 60 years in the country, and the average citizen who believes they will benefit personally from that bloc establishing its power in a Federal position to start, then spread more widely in state and local offices. šŸ˜”šŸ‘ŽšŸ»šŸ’µ

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Jul 6Liked by Chuck Hobbs

I haven't watched the interview as of yet, but judging by the comments of the video, there were either quite a few haters/never-believers, or the POTUS is in dire need of a support staff that will be more adept at camouflaging his diminishing cognitive skills.

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Great points!

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I am furious at the seven Democrats who pick now of all times to belittle the party's choice, furious at the media who have so viciously turned on him with such vitriol. Had they (the 7) done this earlier, and in private, and put forth a viable candidate, I might understand. I have a sneaking suspicion Gavin Newsome is going to run, divide the ticket, so Trump the Felon will win, and the country will be run by the Heritage Foundation as put forth in Project 2025, whilst his Royal Hindness is on the golf course.

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This was painful to watch because I'm such a Biden supporter. I did not like how it seemed that he did not give straight answers to questions about whether he is physically and mentally able for the challenges in the next four years, but his reiterating his most recent legislative successes is probably the way any of us would defend ourselves in his position. Doing so is better than how Donald Trump just flat out lies about his abilities. Not all voters are like me however. In the long run, as my friend said in 2020, I'd vote for a dead lizard before I vote for Trump. Joe Biden is a more honorable, capable man even in his elderly condition that Donald Trump was ever or will ever be.

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