"Worlds are colliding" (circa, G. Constanza).

In a surreal moment, I just enthusiastically read the blog post of my good friend, Chuck Hobbs... with great interest. It was a history-aligned essay about mass unemployment due to technology.

You see, when we started the 8th grade together at FAMU DRS (K-12), it was the first time that Chuck and I had different class schedules. Those on the pre-college engineering track went to Algebra I; those who would pursue non-STEM careers went to 8th grade math. But this was an inevitable conclusion to our journey. You see, for years, I was one of the few who dominated class participation in our math classes, while Chuck was the sole dominator (think Lebron James playing 8th grade bball against his mortal classmates) of social studies and history-- classes I could not stand.

Well now, as an engineer who creates Industry 4.0 technology that leverages AI, the race to be first creator of new ideas has forced me to understand society in the prior industrial revolutions. I am now trying to retro-learn economics and the history of tech's impact on society after detesting social studies and history in K-12. I am slowly reading Chuck's words in hopes of gaining a layman's lesson of the topics I now need to digest, and used to detest. Thanks for the history lesson, Professor Hobbs!

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Thankful to be a Hobbservation Point subscriber! Awesome to know that we both had the McDonalds “experience” as teenagers. It’s very disheartening to see where we are today. This is news that I can use from someone I trust! Thanks for your hard work and dedication Chuck! 💪🏽

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I am so grateful for you and your support, classmate ❤️❤️❤️

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