Jul 21Liked by Chuck Hobbs

“those willing to read and listen to facts and carefully weigh other’s opinions before forming their own opinions, seem to be a dying breed in an era in which misleading memes, reels with little context—and outright lies shape public perception.”

It is sickening. I was listening to a coworker the other day and he was going on about some twisted BS that he heard. When he brought it to my office, I told him that I don’t care to discuss politics at work. He continued. Luckily it was after hours and most everyone was gone, so I made a comment to him about the issues that impacted our health center in particular. He couldn’t speak to that. I told him because that information doesn’t show up in memes and posts. I laid out three facts in particular that could have dire financial consequence to our health center (I was speaking to our Director of accounting). I asked him why someone in his position was not aware of these particular failures in our government. He couldn’t respond. I told him that’s the difference between reading bullshit on Facebook and Fox News and actually doing the research for himself.

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I can feel your frustration and definitely can relate! It is tough to listen to folks going on and on with little depth, but it is happening alot these days within both main political parties and among some independent voters who seem equally clueless about the things they "claim" to care about. Deep sigh...

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Jul 21Liked by Chuck Hobbs

Very well said. I've noticed the same thing. The media won't allow anyone to take a breath. Instead of journalism, it's continual what ifs. Keep the story rolling no matter the cost. We need mainstream honest brokers like a Cronkite. Where are they?

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Absolutely! Cronkite was the greatest of a great era in journalism. Facts, mutual respect in interviews with public figures, no "gotcha" and sensationalism. I would love to see us try and get back to those standards...

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Jul 21Liked by Chuck Hobbs

To paraphrase the Boss, “we got 570 channels, and nothing’s on….”


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Jul 21Liked by Chuck Hobbs

Couldn't agree more 💯💥🙏

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I appreciate reading your words, very much.

A comfort at the end of the day.

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Yes, and there you have it my friend. Currently, Belief is more accepted than Facts. Want a very good example, look at the communication and the facilities of delivery on Sunday.

We have forgot.

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It’s shameful that people are considering themselves adequately informed from reading a few memes and headlines. When did people forget to read the whole story/article/piece?

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