
I fully agree with your sentiments as well. Hope to see you next week at Homecoming, Home Team!

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Per usual, you have provided a succinct overview of the facts.

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Thank you! ❤

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Bruh, I concur with Cecily. Futhering your assessment, the lessons learned from the 2020 POTUS election is that voter turnout matters, especially for Democrats on election day. The work Latosha Brown, Stacey Abrahams, and others voter rights groups did in GA had the right impact to deliver GA. With early voting starting October 17, the difference in the Warnock vs Walker race will teeters on the moderate and swing voters who show up early to the polls. We know where the rural, no post education white voter stands. The hope is most of the moderate and swing voters are the suburban, educated, economically vested white voter who has seen the joke Walker is as an insult to their intelligence.

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Could not agree more. Watched it on youtube last night out of curiousity. My wife said exactly what you said at the beginning, which is how Sen. Warnock had to really hold back from saying the obvious. The want for power by conservative zealots is so bad, they will run anybody with a semblance of name recognition. Of course they expect enough of the audience to either care about one issue or be too dumb.

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This was my first "introduction" into Sen Warnock (seeing him speak at length) and I wanted to be impressed and hoped to be BLOWN AWAY....... and neither happened. While he is clearly the better candidate (in a myriad of ways) I expected ...MORE from the experienced public speaker and pulpit orator of the most famous church in America.

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